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CRx Brings EMS into the IOT and Cloud Computing Space

CustodyRx Brings EMS into the IOT and Cloud Computing Space

EMS is one industry CustodyRx has identified as needing the power of available technology to enhance their overall performance and responsiveness. CustodyRx, a leader in using both sensor technology and cloud computing, wants to move EMS companies from legacy systems to real-time automated tracking and reporting of all tracking functions within the EMS network.

Custody Rx is addressing Four major areas of cost and accountability for EMS companies:

1. The time it takes to restock a vehicle at shift change.

2. Inflated inventory levels to manage inefficiencies within the system.

3. Traceability of controlled substances and critical assets.

4. Establish a connected process between sites of care, patients, their healthcare providers, and payers.

What is the Impact?

With the use of current sensor technology EMS companies can instantly know the exact balance of on hand inventory and supplies within their entire network as well as specific usage automatically. This includes all stocking locations and vehicles regardless of where they are.

How does this help? Well, at shift change you know exactly what is needed to be replenished in the vehicle and depending on the process, needed items can be ready and waiting at shift change. Automated check sheets needed at the end of shift pop up and just need to be reviewed. Vehicles earn revenue when out in the field so the quicker the shift change process can be the more the revenue potential.

By tracking detailed inventory and supplies in real-time you can run a leaner inventory level lowing the investment in this asset. Using this information can also greatly reduce the cost of inventory loss due to expiration dates by tracking detailed item data. Real-time eyes into your organization can dramatically shorten the EMS supply chain cycle reducing the cash requirement on the company.

Field assets are both expensive and critical in being able to be responsive to calls. With real-time tracking, no assets are left behind or misplaced. Also, knowing the exact location of critical assets, you can easily plan on maintenance or replacements as needed.

Controlled substances are a hot issue and having total traceability is not only good management but a regulatory requirement. Automatically knowing the flow of these items and the personnel with access to them is a real advantage of CustodyRx’s solution.

Processing information at the edge in real-time, across your entire network enhances the efficiency and profitably of the entire company. Access through a desktop, tablet or smartphone creates a tool for all levels of the organization. Tying this information to existing management dashboards opens many possibilities from operations personnel to senior management.

How Does It Intergrade?

The design of the CustodyRx solution is easily integrated into any system currently being used. This enhances the timeliness and visibly of information, the ease of data entry and the overall accuracy of information.

The solution can receive data directly from any supplier, reducing the time at receiving and eliminating the chance of errors in data entry. This is extremely critical with controlled items that require very detailed information to be entered and tracked.

The functionality of the solution as a standalone application is designed to be powerful and provide all the system benefits. However, if an organization wants to integrate CustodyRx with existing systems within the company it can be accommodated. Data is easily handed off automatically to feed management dashboards or individual systems like inventory management, purchasing and accounting. Spending excess time on data entry, correcting errors and constant reconciliation of information can be reduced dramatically. When fully implemented the benefits can be felt throughout the entire organization.

What Is Next?

CustodyRx’s vison is to apply its technology to the entire supply chain. Implementing solutions using state of the art sensors, secure cloud computing and distributed ledger applications it can track any item, especially controlled substances, from manufacturer to end user patients.

CustodyRx prioritized the solution for the EMS space because of the overwhelming need for newer state of the art technology in that space. EMS, being a critical part of our overall health system needs to stay competitive to continue to deliver the high level of service that is does today.

With the projected growth in Home Health Care Services, CustodyRx sees that as the next logical step to utilize its technology. There is a large push in the industry to make Home Health Care an extension of the EMS infrastructure. By extending the same applications that will modernize EMS organizations to the Home Health Care market we will be able to track inventory, supplies and controlled substances down to the patient level.

CustodyRx knows to be successful it needs to partner with leaders in the industry from manufactures, distributors, EMS service providers and Home Health Care organizations. Hospitals may also play a key role. The goal is to team up with the best and make a real difference in key areas of our healthcare system.

CustodyRx, Inc. is a leader in developing inventory management and asset tracking systems. It uses the technical knowledge gained from years of hands on experience in other industries and governmental applications. Based in New England CustodyRx has offices in Massachusetts and has opened a Demo and Design Center in Connecticut and welcomes all visitors. Contact information is included below.

CustodyRx, Inc 245 First Street, Suite 1800 Cambridge, MA 02445 (617) 694‐7174

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